How do I change my browser size?

Please follow the browser specific instructions to normalize your zoom settings:

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Exit the MotorMind Training
  2. Click the Customize button in the top right hand corner (appears as three diagonal lines)
  3. Make sure the zoom size is set to 100%, correct if required
  4. Re-launch the MotorMind Training

Microsoft Edge

  1. Press ‘ctrl’ + ‘-’ to zoom out or ‘ctrl’ + ‘+’ to zoom in
  2. Click the 3-dot menu icon and use the Zoom option to zoom in or out

Internet Explorer:

  1. Exit the MotorMind Training
  2. Click the Tools symbol in the top right hand corner (appears as a gear)
  3. Make sure the zoom size is set to 100%, correct if required
  4. Re-launch the MotorMind Training


Please ensure you are in landscape mode

If you are still receiving the same error, press the ‘F11’ key on your keyboard to adjust your browser window to Full Screen. We always recommend completing the training in ‘full screen’ mode since this takes advantage of your screen size.


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