How Do I Activate My Account?

For your initial login, please follow the instructions below to activate and to login into your account:  

  • Click on the link https://www.fleetdefense.comto be directed to Fleet Defense login page
  • Click on the Login button, you will now be redirected to the Sign in/New User Activation 
  • Click on the Activatebutton, then enter your email address and Click Send
  • You will receive an email in your inbox with a link to create your own password. Note, this link is active for 60 minutes; after that it is no longer a valid link
  • Create a New password and enter the same password in the Confirm password field. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long. Include at least 1 digit(s), include 1 upper case letter(s), and at least 1 non-alphanumeric character(s) such as *, -, or #.
  • Click Send
  • You are now logged in your Driver Dashboard

 For future login, you can directly go to , enter your email and password set during account activation and click Sign In to log in.


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